Today is Thursday – we’ve been aniticipating that day. Our Turkish hosts took us to Istanbul – one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which delight with a multitude of monuments and a testimony of colorful history, mix culture, flavors and smells … Until noon we were delighted with the Blue Mosque and Hague Sofia. After lunch at the Sultanbahti köftecisi restaurant, we went to the Basilica Cistern, which impressed us the most. The Grand Bazaar is one of the biggest and well known in the world – a paradise for shoppers. The last part of the program was a cruise on the Sea of Marmara through the Bosphorus Strait, which separates Europe from Asia. The weather for sightseeing couldn’t be better. There was also delicious food. We ate dinner at the Haskralhataysofrasi restaurant – it was always delicious After the day we agreed that Istanbul is for sure one of the places on earth that is worth seein.