🎉 It’s time for the last meeting as part of the Erasmus+ project „3, 2, 1… Time for health!”. We are pleased to host our partner school from Turkey, Bulgaria and Estonia.🇹🇷🇧🇬🇪🇪 🏼 The first day passed very well – the official welcome of our guests, the artistic program prepared by our students and their friends from the Sabonia Ustrobna Sports Club, a wonderful performance by Weronika accompanied by Dr. Daniel Eibin, the directors of the Music School Complex. I. J. Paderewski in Krosno 🎻🎹, folk dance workshops conducted for us by the irreplaceable Maja Szelc and her partners Kuba 🙌🏼… there is also time for refreshments, for which they warmly support ❤️ Lots of good games and positive energy, as well as many interesting conversations and making new friends. 🌍💬 You can’t expect the results of full days of cooperation!💪 Thank you for coming: the mayor of the Wojaszówka commune, Mr. Sławomir Stefański, the village head – Barbara Stefańska and Mrs. Małgorzata Szybiak from PZPW Podkarpacki Complex of Provincial Facilities in Rzeszów 🙏 #ErasmusPlus #TimeForHealth #InternationalCooperation Co-financed by the EU participation 🇪🇺