
Tag Archives: #erasmusplus

The second day in Türkiye
The second day in Türkiye
It’s already late afternoon and a moment of relaxation before an evening walk. We started the day with a visit to Suleymanpasa Mesleki Ve Teknik [...]
The first day in Türkiye
The first day in Türkiye
The first day is over. The amount of attractions provided by the hosts probably overcome everyone’s expectations. The first point of the program was [...]
A visit of famous athletes to the school (Poland)
A visit of famous athletes to the school (Poland)
Doing sports is especially important for young people because of their intense physical development and shaping character.Today we had the opportunity to [...]
Hiking rallies (Poland)
Hiking rallies (Poland)
The project „3,2,1 … Time for health” is in full swing, and we can boast about another completed task, which was not the easiest one. [...]
Field exercises in Polish school
Field exercises in Polish school
As part of the project „3, 2, 1 … time for health”, each school, apart from the tasks planned in the project, undertakes additional [...]
School in Bulgaria – presentation
Selecting student for a project in Turkey
Selecting student for a project in Turkey
We selected our Students Project Team by an exam. 130 students applied to the exam. 30 of them won it and they joined the project team. Congratulations!!  
Poster and logo – Bulgaria new Partner!!
Poster and logo – Bulgaria new Partner!!
We are a new participant in the project. We are a primary school from Bulgaria. The students made this poster and logo . The topic was explained in [...]
Health survey – report (Poland)
Official presentation after the next change of partner